This page shows a possible (a bit edgy) use case of flove entangled apps.
Case: Directed endo funding of an ecocrowdcrafted freed offer in a free project
1-One person creates a profile ( and a group of artists with its own bylaws (myfamily settings at that automate processes of a common pool where resources are shared and redistributed between members and related groups, and invites 7 other people to a presential forking party offering them some flovens ( for doing some creation that he will reveal there to the group members (s)he previously invited.
2-All accept the invitation to the group, to the party and to give all their data free ( but rename their family status: From Standard Brothers to Custom Cousins+.
3-The targetted project to develop at the forking party is to replicate a small Keops sculpture with 90% ecological ( materials that are getting increasingly sponsored in the flove network (OMNI) where others will be later invited to get rewarded by doing any of the specified tasks ( out of that prototypal project, giving additonal trust and family rigths who would to choose to share they work as freed (
5-During the presential forking party there was only one outsider contribution, but a key one that was given at the prototyping phase. So the artists would have to forward a % of benefits (if any) to the contributor.
6-Once they have finished the sculpture, the artists add an identifier to it, a built-in chatbot ( MyWiz) with a data dump from their group of people, slightly tunning that with some surrealist and mischevous personality types premium addons. They also decided to implement a minimal scanner that will help the sculpture to gather feedback from viewers through a face recognition mechanism.
7-The communitty of artists are asking for donations to their work in whichever likes or different currencies, offering donors to route the 50% of them. From the other 50%, they donate 10% to a more private flovy project.
8-The donations routing options are free. However, they have also created some funny customizable routings. During the weekends, the donation goes to a random task. For the weekdays, they choosed the default where the (ro)bot will recommend the donation to go (be automatically routed by it) to the part that most matches donor wants&wishes and artists wants&wishes, so considering first to invest it in artists projects public tasks that could be performed by the donor with a wage where (s)he be first to get it.