
Souls, personal flove

More ancestral better mask, deeper you

What resumes you is the more important information that you could know and share.

Anyone could resume himself with 2 or 3 keywords. Such these keywords are sometimes difficult to be found-expressed in a direct-formal way because there is always an intended audience we pretend directing them to andso there could be many possible future changes we will make to our main keywords.

Users normally (poorly) fill their About you descritpion field up because they consider it too reductive andor over exposes them. Making this exercise easy, pleasant and meaningful is the more challenging feature for a platform. more openly declared principles (its whys) and its targets of what it wants to achieve with your data should incentivate the mining and sharing of your more custom keywords (aka: souls).

Data is more about quality than quantity, and the more quality the less needed quantity


Mine yourself through Souls masks

Souls is a projected app for people expressing their keywords through projective ways. «Mask» is just a nicer way to call to a Perspective, which is already nicer than «truth». This is not proposing anything new, this technique is already called «projective test» within psychology, and there are many KnowYourself tests on their own around.

For example, describe many About you(s) by masking yourself with-as some other fictional entities, freely created andor through some popular types of ancestries (philogenetic, etc) for this way focusing your intended audience pressure (that always will be in) to be more located within yourself (more criptically custom) than focusing it in others’ instead.

Everyone of us, at some point, will try trolling the app by adding neutral or funny adjectives instead of more qualificative or formal ones. But since, maybe, there is nothing alien to us in whatever we estate and perhaps we were destined to say those things and not others, the more effort we put in fictioning andor trolling our descriptions, the more advanced topology to our deeper values we are more factually proposing with our faking-hidings. This is the hardest task to achieve for analisers too.

Within projectivities, there are some of them more useful than others for specifics data minings. We propose the default Animal & Colour tests-masks-projections are the simpler closer and broad symbolisms. Doing it within animals helps us recapitulate our ontogeny. Colours will complement that as the meta-wants, since are symbols that identify very well with the incoming outer.

Animal offers and colour wants will provide richer relationalities among users.


Play the souls game as private, formal or informal you want. When you finish it, you will receive a interpretation about you, which you could save locally andor upload the results into a network, where it should build you a profile with a nick (animal+colour), 3 adjectives for offered values (animal) and 3 for wanted ones (colour).

Also, you will be invited define further merges of what you said as in fuzzy (Demo after the «What’s the Lion Smelling ?» interface in this Souls navigation mockups)

Privacy caring

More privacy more you

You can enjoy your first experience of Souls offline. We do it this way for showing you that is important for you to be able to hold all your rights about your data.

All apps and devices that are connected to the internet collect further data about you than the one you purposefully give. For this reason, choose:

Play it with pen and paper

Play in your device

Play online

Andor record it thorugh voice andor video. If you decide to play it online, we won’t give your data to third parties, and we will neither use it for analisys unless you allow us to do so.

Popular platforms analise your data for selling some of their space to comercial advertisers. We rather let you choose which (if any) and how much present you want to the suggested contents to be.

The best suggestions should give you content from others more related to you(r wants) based in your souls offers-wants matching. For this, for giving more trustfulness to others, we do recommend making available to them the date of the creation (andor last edit if so) and your historic of souls and main souls.

There is a balance between privacy and outreach. If you don’t want to be analised at all, you might be missing matchy bits and others won’t find you thata easy so you will have to do more outreach work.