After 2 intense months of tidying up all type of documents i have been evolved during all my life, i am pleased to offer them quite well packed to you and in a minimally decent manner (still quite raw to be honest…).
They are formal diagrams and papers (mostly in english) and informal audiopoetical performances (mostly in spanish).
You can find them all here.
All these different artistical expressions complement each other. Their contents are not redundant with the others. This implies that they are potentially very easily extendable and, more importantly, mergeable even in a superpaper andor a supervideo.
That will be a kind of a 3.0 branch for documentation. My focus in a 2.0 like version is more at formalising a bit more what there is already there, specially with more clarifier designs for either the formal diagrams and papers andor for the audios going into little cute books andor into videoperformances.
Beyond those documentative efforts, developing some proof-of-concept andor beta apps could be more key companions to the actual docs than improving the docs themselves.
I will keep evolving this project with the arts i could myself alone do, little by little, day by day. Feel invited to add your arts for, we need you! 🙂