Dipedia, fuzzy antonyms conjunctions
Dipoles links are the widest ones, dichotomies increase for expanding their own merging value
For positivizing looks better and easier to add andor multiply two numbers than multiply two negatives but this second option adds more magic to the operation, right? Similarly happens with words semantics.
A disjunction is a big degree of uncertain similarity in a conjunction
Dipedia wants to bring more peace to the world by we all seeing and taking the road to the polarities centroids, andbut we haven’t develop enough tools for deeper dealing with conjuncted antagonists.
Despite having their own degrees, the more antagonistic relations, when conjuncted (also called oxymorons then) more they bring an intense middle, hence all of these are key pairs.
Kids, artists, poets and comedians love extending the degreeing of and within oxymoronia
Antonyms are very easy to find and when we conjunct them they display a total possible rational length to infinitely explore within the more minimal set.
Adding two different rates within the same oppositional rater is a very normal doing, i.e. I like you because of X and i dislike you because of Z. We don’t have platforms implementing that very much comfortably anywhere. Also in a similar sense, there is a untidy debate at wikipedia for the how to any page be referring to its more antagonist page.
Some others could consider antonyms conjunctions as impossibles andor absurd, calling it despectively as an Oxymoron. Dipedia dignifies them to highest level instead.
Oxymorons are either useful for a big trivial andor the most formal experiences. This possible poling of big absurdity and wisdom is already oxymoronic…. which should be proof enough of their fundamental importance… .
Oxymoron, more in fact, is a sophisticated word normally meant to negatively and extremely ridiculize a supposed contradiction (authoritarian appeal to pitty fallacy). With the word «Oppositional Keypair» we could avoid to use the word Oxymoron for propositivistic purposes, but it is rather better to keep Oxymoron as a synonim of it because it’s a very well known word already and also because its phonemics awake some fun in the ones of us that are open andor adore antonyms conjunctions. FoxyHolon is yet a more provocative synonim while more explicative too, although it may sound a better choice to use it for the naming of the antangonist conjunctions to the oxymoronic ones: Symbionims, foxyholons informally known, the more complementary conjunctions.
Exploring depth through redefining fuzzy antagonisms
Dipedia focus is to create, extend and aggregate redefinitions of merged oppositional relations. Get your more known antonyms-dichotomies-contradictions and merge them as bipoles (i.e. as AdjetivizedNoun) and extend them endlessly.
Dipedia items are one type of items within the fuzzy model. Like it can be used for a love centric platform, it could be used for an oxymoron-centric one.
See more examples about how to extend the merging of oppositions within other expressive channels beyond words sintaxis. i.e. relate an image which is contradictory to a text, etc.
Anticipating a received interaction offering it instead
You could ask a question to someone that was rather supposed to ask it to you. In some scenarios, it could bring a lot of fun. i.e.
-Say goodbye with the same tone as if you were saying Hello
-Ask a bartender what he wants to drink, keep telling that he has to buy something or has to go from the bar
AntiComms could be done more or less contradictory, very partial or loaded, better or worse transmitted as well.
AntiComms feedbacks are going to need to recall in older former communication channels because their propositions overload the channel that were proposed to flow by… which opens a yet more interesting featuring and research…