Institutional integration (of offers)

This document summarizes initiatives to integrate the philosophy of the (shareful) offer model in public administration.

Moderation of moderators (Case:

Only for Associations, Council must approve and moderate associations that are members, and Associations moderate their members

Participation of social services

Social Services Clients (and else privileged users) can get things that are for rent as loans andor with a discount (Case: La Palma)

Participation of libraries and civic centers

Host poster, orientate, moderate and or be agency of (all, some) offers (from in a announcements board there andor in a more general platform) (Case: «Library green» Corunha: Interlibrary loans and related events)

Other possible integrations

Offer surpluses as gifts and underused things as loans

Publish institutional offers in an own andor general repository: Example: A list of public tasks or needs and offer meritocraticy, privileges andor exchange for those (Cases: Discounts on municipal card big reloads (Zaragoza), IBI tax discounts for recycling, employed-large family card, …)

Publicize (shareful) offers news and updates from a general andor own platform

Accept, offer, support and develop social-local and crypto currencies: Discounts for recycling andor gifting for a later sharing

Create a local shareful pool for public employees

Inter-institutional gifts and lendings (Case: prestogal concellos)

Finance project developments (better tools, sustainability of mediators-volunteers)

Collection service of donations and loans: Let warehouse spaces for storing donations, loans, workshops and courses

Offers legal advisory, security and arbitration services (Example: Grant users for possible Accidents)

Political party adds some andor several of these proposals in its program